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Lynch Syndrome

Creator | Dashboard | 2021
Client: Columbia University Medical Center 
Skills used: python, RShiny


The Lynch Syndrome Interactive Site was created as an accompanying R Shiny web application for the publication Gene-Specific Variation in Colorectal Cancer Surveillance Strategies for Lynch Syndrome. Lynch Syndrome is a genetic condition that increases the risk of colorectal cancer. The application allows the user to observe cancer incidence and mortality of various scenarios for Lynch Syndrome patients by toggling the age, sex, gene mutation, colonoscopy frequency, and starting age of colonoscopy.


This colorectal cancer Lynch Syndrome model used for the backend of the R Shiny app was built in python. The same model was used to produce the results of the Gastroenterology  publication Gene-Specific Variation in Colorectal Cancer Surveillance Strategies for Lynch SyndromeFrom the model, we found that later start ages of screening and longer intervals between colonoscopies did not lead to a statistically significant change in survival or incidence for patients with MSH6 and PMS2 mutations.

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