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Dropshipt AI
Store Generator

AI Automation Tool | 2023
Client: Dropshipt
Skills Used: Python, Shopify, Aliexpress API,
AI API, JavaScript, Gradio

The Problem

The Dropshipt team wanting to build a faster way to develop dropshipping stores on Shopify so they approached me with an idea on how to use AI to streamline the process for their platform. They wanted an AI algorithm to fill out all the content for the Shopify storefront in 1-3 minutes based on an AliExpress product link. In addition to generating the content, the algorithm also needed to pull the images off of the Shopify.

The Solution

For this project, I worked with the two other developer to create the The Dropshipt AI Store Generator Shopify App. The other two developers were in charge of developing the app while I was tasked with creating the AI algorithm to generate the content on the storefront based on the Aliexpress link. To both show how the AI algorithm worked and fine-tune the outputs of the algorithm, I created a Gradio dashboard where the team could walkthrough how the Dropshipt app would work in production.

The Dropshipt AI Store Generator is currently live with over 100 users and has a 4.5 star rating.

The Demo

The Feedback

“Super easy to figure out. I was able to get a store with a product up in literally 5 minutes, thats insane! Takes out all of the repetitive effort from having to build out stores every single time. Super excited to use this app from now on!"
Dropshipt Customer
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